Prolotherapy and PRP in San Diego

Provider of Prolotherapy and Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) treatments for residents of Pacific Beach,
La Jolla, Clairemont, and the greater San Diego area who are suffering from chronic pain in their neck, back, knees or other joints.

Learn why PROFESSIONAL ATHLETES like Tiger Woods, Alex Rodriguez, and Eric Dickerson have avoided surgery and steroid (cortisone) injections and instead have turned to Platelet Rich Plasma therapy. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and Dextrose Prolotherapy are holistic, natural therapies which effectively relieve muscle, tendon, ligament, and joint pain. PRP and Prolotherapy are also effective treatments for sciatica.

Gary L. Matson, DO is a board certified family practice physician providing general medical care in the San Diego beach community of Pacific Beach since 1993. Dr. Matson has been providing PROLOTHERAPY treatments for chronic pain relief since 1995 for patients suffering from various forms of back, neck, knee, and other joint pain. Approximately ten years ago Dr. Matson added PLATELET RICH PLASMA (PRP) therapy to his chronic pain treatment regimens. 

Prolotherapy and PRP treatments involve injections into injured joints, ligaments, and tendons. In recent years, dozens of nationally recognized pro athletes have undergone PRP injections. Their remarkable results have solidified PRP therapy as a viable treatment option for various forms of ligament, tendon, and joint injuries which are associated with chronic pain syndromes. PRP is viewed by many Prolotherapists as the “new, improved, more powerful” version of Prolotherapy.

Although Dr. Matson is a primary care physician and not a pain specialist, many of his patients see him as their “pain doctor” due to his long history of providing dramatic relief of their chronic pain using Prolotherapy and PRP. These treatments have allowed many of his pain patients to taper off narcotic pain medications and avoid surgery.

At the beginning of his medical career in the 1990’s, Dr. Matson developed an interest in Prolotherapy after personally suffering a back injury while weightlifting.  He initially underwent various traditional treatments, such as anti-inflammatories and physical therapy, but none of these conventional pain management treatments were able to resolve his chronic pain.  It was at this critical juncture that a physician colleague introduced Dr. Matson to Prolotherapy and gave him several injection treatments. The resolution of pain was dramatic! Dr. Matson’s back has been remarkably improved ever since.  Seeing Prolotherapy’s success first hand, Dr. Matson trained in Prolotherapy so that he could provide this amazing treatment to his patients and has been doing so for almost 25 years. Click HERE to view videos of actual patients being treated with PRP and prolotherapy.

PRP and Prolotherapy in San Diego

Dr. Matson has helped hundreds of patients suffering from chronic musculoskeletal pain to achieve significant reduction and even elimination of chronic pain using Prolotherapy and PRP.

Schedule a Consultation:

Gary Matson, DO

4501 Mission Bay Drive, Suite 3E

San Diego, CA 92109

Phone: (858) 270-4343

Office hours: Monday thru Friday: 9AM-12PM and 2PM-5PM

Copyright 2019, Gary L. Matson, DO, Inc. All rights reserved.